Thursday, November 13, 2008

Efrén Radio Interview Requests

There have been a number of recent radio interview requests to speak with Efrén about his wrongful conviction. We would like to remind those making their requests that Efrén can only do radio interviews when someone on his approved phone list is actually present in the radio studio.

You can contact The Injustice Must End (TIME) Committee to Free Efrén Paredes, Jr. via e-mail at to request to have a member of Efrén's family, a friend, or a member of the TIME Committee present to take his phone call. All calls must be listened to over their speaker phones or the radio journalist can speak to Efrén personally.

Since someone on Efrén's phone list must be present to take his phone call it limits how often and where Efrén can call in to do interviews. We do have TIME Committee members across the country who Efrén can call, however, so interviews are not restricted to Michigan.

We invite your requests.

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