Thursday, September 10, 2009

Efrén Appears on Ebling and You Radio Show

Yesterday afternoon, Wednesday, August 9, 2009, Jack Ebling, AM 1320 WILS Lansing radio show host, interviewed Efrén on his show, Ebling and You.

Jack and Efrén discussed a recent speech he gave to youth in Toronto, Ontario (Canada) encouraging peace between police and youth in the city, how Efrén remains so positive despite enduring 20 years of wrongful imprisonment, his work promoting the graduation of high school Xicana/Latina students, among other things.

Click the play button on the left side of the flash player below to listen to Jack's exclusive interview with Efrén.

A special thanks to our friend Jack Ebling for his continued support, and for helping us keep the injustice surrounding Efrén's wrongful incarceration in the public eye.

Biographical Information

Jack Ebling, host of "Ebling and You" and co-host of "Jack and Tom" on WILS, is a broadcaster and writer who has covered high school, college, and pro sports for nearly 30 years. He has been named Michigan Sportswriter of the Year three times and was inducted into the Greater Lansing Sports Hall of Fame in 2006.

Jack spent more than 24 years at the Lansing State Journal as a beat writer and columnist before moving to talk radio, television, and freelance writing. He has also been a contributor to Sports Illustrated, The Sporting News, Basketball Times, and Street & Smith’s College Football and College Basketball.

While Jack's background has been largely sports, on Ebling and You, Jack tackles an array of topics and talks with daily with political, business, entertainment and sports newsmakers in Lansing, in Michigan and around the nation.

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