Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Postcards to Michigan Gov. Granholm in Support of the Release of Efrén Paredes, Jr.

The following are three newly designed postcards of support people can download and print out. The files are in PDF format. You will need to print the files double-sided since there is information on both sides of the postcards. There are four postcards printed on each page.

Please share this link with all your contacts and ask them to contribute to our campaign to free Efrén by getting as many postcards of support signed and mailed in to the Governor's office. Anyone can sign the postcards. They do not have to be residents of the State of Michigan to sign them. Your assistance with this effort would be greatly appreciated.

The links to the files are as follows:

Postcards to Governor Granholm in Support of Efrén (Postcard 2)

Postcards to Governor Granholm in Support of Efrén (Postcard 3)

Postcards to Governor Granholm in Support of Efrén (Postcard 4)

Front of Postcard 2

Front of Postcard 3

Front of Postcard 4

Back of All Postcards

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Free Efrén Paredes, Jr. Poster and T-Shirt Slide Show